Feedback from Our Alumni

Alumni Association of GDGWS


An organization’s alumni are torchbearers and brand ambassadors of all institutions. They are the reflection of its past, representation of its present and a link to its future.

Educational institutions are changing the way they see and interact with their alumni community. Earlier, alumni and their alma-mater were treated as separate entities wherein one’s existence was independent of the other.

With the spurt in the advent of Social Media, alumni relationship has taken a complete turn. An engaged alumni allows the schools to benefit from the skills and experience of our graduates. If we keep them well informed and engaged, alumni are our most loyal supporters and our best ambassadors. Talented alumni will likely have a wealth of experience and skills to share with current students via talks and meets. Alumni can play an active role in voluntary programs like mentoring students in their areas of expertise. Leveraging the alumni community can be a win-win for both the institution and the alumni. Many of them are willing to ‘G

Alumnus of the Month- IBDP- Batch of 2015

ive-Back’ to their alma-mater as a sign of their gratitude and affinity towards the institution. We have started this page so that we can reconnectand reminisce with fellow graduates; see what everyone’s been up to; Make meaningful connections, speak to students and advise fellow alumni.

What star alumnus, Diya Singh, says about her alma mater?

Diya Singh, class of 2018 speaks about her alma mater, GD Goenka World School. Diya is currently at the University of Pennsylvania and is majoring in Computer Science and Cognitive Sciences. We are proud of you, Diya!  

Alumnus of the Month- IBDP- Batch of 2015

Harshita Jain

Dr Harshita Jain
IBDP Batch- 2015

A short interview…

“Giving up life in order to save many more “ defines what a doctor does. Sleepless nights, countless cups of coffee and never ending handwork. I had an option to choose between easy life or follow my passion. Passion won its way , and today i am a proud doctor. Its quite surreal and i still have to pinch myself to believe its true. I plan on becoming a neonatologist in the future which is more gruelling and tiresome but definitely worth it. If it weren’t for GDGWS i wouldn’t have the courage to choose such a journey. GDGWS not only guided me but built my foundation, shown me light through a dark tunnel of endless career options. They stood by me when I was seconding guessing myself. To become a doctor it takes courage, one has to be open-minded, balanced and a risk-taker. All that was taught to me through IB.

For me completing 5 years of MBBS was comparatively easier than others and all credit goes to the stepping stones that were provided to me , the right foundation , the right guidance and an amazing support system when I needed it the most.

If it weren’t for my teachers, who pushed me to strive for better i wouldn’t have been where i am Its scary to follow such a career path but trust me when i say this with right guidance and support it doesn’t seem daunting at all and for that I’m eternally thankful for my school, my teachers, peers and everyone who supported me throughout .”says Harshita Jain- batch of 2015.

We are so proud of our alumnus, Harshita, who has recently finished Medicine with flying colours
Dr. Harshita Jain – heartiest congratulations!!! Keep shining#gdgoenkaworldschool #bestibschoolsgurgaon #, gdgwsalumni# bestinternationalschools

Alumnus of the Month- Batch of 2014

We congratulate our alumnus, Dr Sana Khanijo, class of 2014 for completing her MBBS and receiving her license as a doctor. She fondly expressed how GDGWS helped her discover her passion.
” Recently having received my license as a doctor makes it the perfect time for me to express my gratitude towards my Foundation, that is my school and the teachers.


Coming from a large family with parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts each with their unique health states and dispositions, is what initially drew me to medicine.
My inquisitiveness and passion to study medicine and serve the nation was fostered by my teachers, fed by a world-class education, not just through textbooks but through an ecosystem of evaluation in learning, pastoral care and a multitude of experiences’. It was early in my school days when my teachers instilled in me the love for learning. This love of learning, together with boundless courage and confidence that I gained during my life at GDGWS is the power that got me through the medical entrance and then the five years of MBBS. My teachers taught me to realise my dreams, be ambitious and never give up. They taught me to persevere in the phase of adversity and challenge, they taught me to rise above my weaknesses and trust my instinct and success will follow.


And today that success has followed and I cannot thank my school and teachers enough for believing in me, for coaching me through every step I took to get to this place today. Today is a special day and I owe all of it to my teachers and my school, for its these mentors that gave me the passion to help those that suffer and serve the nation.AS Walt Disney said, ” All our dreams will come true if we have the courage to pursue them”. This courage is what GDGWS gave me and one that I will be eternally grateful for. My dream continues to be a proud surgeon and even more proud Alumni of this wonderful institution.

Alumnus of the Month- IBDP- Batch of 2010

Yuvraj Jain

Yuvraj Jain, M.S. Orthopaedic Surgery, DR. D.Y Patil University
Navi Mumbai
M.B.B.S from MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai

A short interview…

Q: What inspired you to choose medicine? What triggered your interest in your chosen field?

A: In grade 10 I was playing around with a blood pressure monitor at home and incidentally found out that I was hypertensive. My overwhelming parents rushed me to several specialists who put me through a battery of tests and scans looking for a reason. They couldn’t find one, but after all those hours spent wandering in hospitals and clinics, I found my calling. Every step I took from that point on was a move towards becoming a doctor, right from choosing my subjects in high school to even the television shows I watched in my free time. Once I was in medical school already, I was drawn to the musculoskeletal system while studying Anatomy in the first year. Iparticularly enjoyed looking at the mechanics and movements of muscles and ligaments all over the body and understoodover time how even the slightest derangement or just plain wear-and-tear in these intricate structures could severely impact a senior citizen’smobility and ability to perform simple everyday tasks, prevent a family’s sole breadwinner from doing their job, or keep a budding athlete away from their sport… and this inspired my decision to further specialize in Orthopaedic surgery where I may improve my patients’ quality of life.

Q: Any difficulty you surmounted in achieving your ambition?

A: I got into my dream college in the Early Decision round and life seemed to be going perfectly at first but I did hit a few roadblocks, and was faced with the question of where I saw myself settling down long term. I came back to India and restarted my college education, hoping to work hard to become an important member of society and taking our nation forward instead of remaining a face in the crowd in a foreign country.

Q: Share your reminiscences about the time spent at G.D. Goenka World School.

A: In spite of having attended 3others schools in different cities before, I identify as a proud Goenkan and truly believe that this school made me the person I am today. My faculty and fellow students inspired me to work hard, multi-task, and accomplish more than I could ever imagine. They helped me strike the perfect balance between my academics, extra-curriculars, sports, and social life and to this day I feel I really lived it up in high school. We graduated a decade ago but I’ve still remained in close touch with my old friends and some teachers too. I think that speaks volumes about the bonds we forged at GDGWS.

Q: What is your message for young Goenkans?

A: Maximize your experiences.Don’t shy away from trying new things, whether it’s a sport you’ve never played, a musical instrument you’ve never held before, a volunteering opportunity in the middle of nowhere, or even a subject in IB that intrigues you and isn’t one that you need for your college major. The best memories might just be created while getting out of your comfort zone and doing things you wouldn’t normally do!

Alumnus of the Month- IBDP- Batch of 2009

Priyanka Kanwar

PriyankaKanwar, Founder and CEO, Kite
Kite is one of Money Control’s top 10 most innovative startups of 2018
Kite chosen among “50 Startups to Look Out for in 2019” by Entrepreneur India
Kite Founder selected among Forbes 30 under 30 Asia & GQ’s 50 Most Influential Young Indians

Priyanka is passionate about helping people from all backgrounds access modern finance. She founded Kite to empower businesses and their workforce with innovative and low-cost payments, credit, and financial services. Launched in 2017, Kite’s platform has processed over USD 100 million in transactions and served 250,000 users from 2,000 cities, building financial identities with more than 10 million data points. Priyanka has been recognized as one of India’s top 5 women in Fintech. Prior to founding Kite, Priyanka developed extensive experience at the intersection of finance, technology, and academia. She founded the nonprofit, Global Undergraduate Economic Forum (GUEF) with support from the World Economic Forum. She was Chairperson of the nonprofit Global Brigades, and has had work stints at HSBC Bank, The Economist, and Accenture. Priyanka graduated Magna cum Laude from Yale University with a degree in Economics.

A short interview…

1. What inspired you to choose your current career?

I took a gap year after high school during which I interned with a microfinance institution and shot a documentary film on the subject. Ever since, I’ve been deeply passionate about the field of financial services & inclusion, and continued research on the same throughout my academic career at Yale University. I’ve done work on the subject in several countries including Uganda, Mexico, Honduras, Bangladesh, and India, and my senior thesis was also on the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) payment system in India. This inspired me to start up in Fintech after college wherein I could build innovative products to close the gaps in the industry and help create a more equitable economy for the millions of individuals and businesses that remain excluded from the financial system in the country. Today, my company, Kite has built a full fledged modern financial system for SMEs and their workforce, in collaboration with top 10 banks and global card networks. Kite is serving over 1 million customers with an annual run rate of USD 250 million+ in transactions.

2. Any difficulty you surmounted in achieving your ambition?

As with starting out in any new business or career, there were several challenges. Most importantly, since founding the company was my first-ever job after college, I did not have any experience or expertise in the industry. So it took a couple of years of struggling as a completely new player, understanding nuances, learning tough lessons (some very expensive ones!), and building the right relationships to succeed. As a female CEO in a male-dominated industry, it has also taken a lot of grit and patience to build credibility for myself as a leader and scale the company to new heights.

3. What triggered your interest in your chosen field?

Answered in Q1

4. Share your reminiscences about the time spent at G D Goenka World School.

G D Goenka World School will always remain special for me since the IB program taught at the school not only challenged me in new ways, but it inspired me to push my boundaries, get out of my comfort zone, ask tough questions, and chase my ambition. It is also here that I met my Co-founder and best friend, Prabhtej Bhatia, who has had the most incredible impact on who I have become today as an entrepreneur. I’ll always be grateful for the memories and lessons I learned at the school!

5. What is your message for young Goenkans?

My message is to dream without inhibitions and to always stay focused on achieving your ambition. If you have a big dream, it’s going to take time for you to get there, but it’s important to remain patient and achieve your goal one step at a time, starting from doing well at school and doing things you actually love, picking the right college, choosing the correct internships, and then finally taking a plunge in the field you’re passionate about. Most importantly though – don’t forget to have some fun and take care of yourself! It’s a marathon and you don’t want to burn yourself out too soon.

Alumnus of the Month

Sakshi Jain

A marketing enthusiast, Sakshi Jain is a firm believer in the gambits of social media. With a degree in Marketing & Advertising from FLAME University, she hopes to completely change the digital presence of Karara Mujassme, a trusted brand in outdoor and luxury décor. She’s firmly dedicated to the online growth and success of Karara Mujassme.

A short interview…

1. What inspired you to choose your professional career?

I have always been surrounded by art as that is the business that my family is involved in and with my knowledge of social media, it seemed liked the perfect opportunity to grow the business in my own way.

2. Any difficulty you surmounted in achieving your ambition?

Working in a family business has its own set of challenges. In order to make your mark you have to be dedicated and not take it for granted.

3. What triggered your interest in your chosen field?

My interest had always been in literature and arts, but a fortunate workshop in college made me realise that in today’s fast paced world, having the knowledge of one of the most powerful sales medium in the market is extremely important.

4. Share your reminiscences about the time spent at G D Goenka World School.

GD Goenka will always hold a very special place in my heart. It’s a place which shaped who I am today and gave me the confidence to face the real world. I grew as an individual and as a collective thanks to helpful and dedicated teachers and a wonderful group of friends.

5. What is your message for young Goenkans?

The future will always be uncertain, but that should never deter you in chasing your dreams or realising what you truly want, no matter what you started with.