Grandparents day celebrations

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Grandparents are our heritage and are essential members of our families and communities.They are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family close at heart. That is why a special day, Grandparents Day in School, is set aside every year to honour them.This year too,GD Goenka World School celebrated Grandparents Day on September 9,2019.

They were welcomed by their grandchildren in their respective form rooms where they played games, sang and danced with them. The day witnessed 100 percent participation of students of the PYP. They put up a play, dance performances and songs for them which were thoroughly enjoyed by the grandparents.

The grandparents who attended the programme felt very special and were overwhelmed with the performances of the students. The event was a great success and concluded with a short address by a grandparent.