Medical Facilities

At GD Goenka World School, our commitment to the well-being of our students is unwavering. We prioritize Medicare, Safety & Security, and Transportation, ensuring a secure and nurturing environment.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:

Our commitment is reflected in the superior infrastructure, high-end specialist resources, and a team of highly qualified staff dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare.

At GD Goenka World School, safety is paramount. Regular emergency drills are conducted to ensure swift and effective responses in any unforeseen situation.

Dedicated Medical Team:

Our medical staff comprises two full-time Doctors, with additional on-call services available 24 hours a day on the campus. Equipped with adequate medical facilities and a supply of non-prescription medicines, our medical team ensures prompt and effective care for our students.

At GD Goenka World School, we take pride in prioritizing the health and safety of our students, fostering an environment where they can thrive with confidence and security.