Aekus Kamboj at AMUNC 2017

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Aekus Kamboj, student of G D GOENKA WORLD SCHOOL, has been selected as Assistant Director -OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) at 23rd edition of AMUNC 2017 ( Asia Pacific Model United Nations Conference) hosted by University of Hong Kong.

The first conference of this kind dates back to 1995. It has seen the astounding changes that can happen in the span of 20 years and the challenges that can follow.

Each year, delegates gather together in this conference not only to share their ideas and learn from each other but also to celebrate that diversity, to acknowledge that even in a world where disagreements may persist, cooperation will always prevail. As young academics and future leaders, they commit themselves to the world where change is possible, and it can be for the better.

Delegates have a chance to participate in all of the most popular MUN committees that are typically included in AMUNC conferences, along with several newly added committees that are targeted specifically towards recent events, bringing extra challenges to its members who can deliver innovative solutions.