Special Assembly on 11th October, 2017 on Verbal Abuse and Anti Bullying

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A session on verbal abuse and anti-bullying was conducted on 11th October, 2017 by the school counselor along with the special educator for CS1. The aim of this session was to bring awareness regarding bullying, its various types, and effects of bullying and also how the students can help create a positive school climate. During the interactive session, students shared some of their perspectives on why do bullies bully and how they can stand up as well as against bullying. Additionally, students were also educated on verbal abuse, its characteristics and repercussions.

So, as to check the understanding of bullying amongst students, the counselors hosted a GD Goenka World School’s version of KBC which was enjoyed by each student. The session was concluded by reiterating to the students that the school has a zero tolerance policy towards bullying, and that each one of them is responsible for taking a stand against it.

Lastly, certificates for Fancy Dress competition held in the month of May were also distributed to the winners.

Arvika Bhakri(School Counsellor) & Jagriti Rajani(Special Educator)