IBDP Workshop on ‘Citing and Referencing’ Dr. Usha Kamal, (TOK Coordinator)

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On November 1, 2017 IBDP workshop on ‘Citing and referencing’ was conducted by Dr. Usha Kamal (TOK Coordinator) for IBDP students (year 1 and 2), during the house-meeting lesson 5, to have them know, that MLA citation is followed by school for all their IAs, and Essays. They were told about referencing to be done with respect to different sources; one, and two authors, online journals, internet sources etc. from where the original material is taken. The workshop was well hailed by students and teachers both.A workshop will be conducted to give DP students a hand on experience on citing and referencing.

Reflection from students, and teacher:

The workshop on Citation and Bibliography was one of gain. We learned about an important tool and its use in our day to day research work. It helps in building of genuineness in our work as well as develops and paves the path of honesty whether academic or in real life.
(Piyush, IBDP year 2)

Citation is very important and helps us a LOT in academic honesty as it prevents plagiarism. A very informative workshop on citing, referencing, and bibliography which will be very helpful for us in our writing of TOK essay, EE, and IAs.
(Shashank Laamba, IBDP year 1)

It was the way to help IBDP students to write their Essays also the way they prepare their IA’s and FOA. I came to know about referencing (MLA’S citation), bibliography and how to use these terms in TOK essay, extended essay and IA’s. I wasn’t aware how to use, now I am clear about citing , referencing, bibliography thoroughly and aware to use these terms in my extended essay, TOK essay, IAs and FOA. I had fun attending workshop and looking forward for more workshop.
(Kashish Bansal, X1-F)

Dr. Usha Kamal, reinforced the importance of original content-IB continuously stresses on, to avoid plagiarism. While I wished this workshop was conducted earlier, I do appreciate and have acquired more knowledge than before on the importance of citations in TOK essay, EE, IA.
(Tisha, IBDP year 2)

The session was very helpful to us, as it is very crucial part of our IAs, and Essays. It gave us clarity on the format of referencing, and how to cite our resource. The session was very productive and insightful.
(Shagun, and Ishika, IBDP year 2)

I learnt about how to cite oue essay’s in MLA format. Dr. Usha Kamal kept us involved throughout the workshop asking questions and testing our knowledge. Everybody was amazed to see the different citing format for different authors, and books. At the end, my friend and I stepped out with ton of knowledge and would like to thank, Dr. Usha Kamal for conducting this workshop.
(Darsh Jain-IBDP year 1)/p>

We understood the concepts, and found it very helpful. Dr. Usha Kamal explained about MLA format to be followed in Essays, and IAs. The importance was laid on, no plagiarism. Workshop like this should be conducted and attended which will help us in this IBDP program.
(Saloni Singh, Muskaan Kapoor, Manya Chauhan: IBDP year-1)

As a teacher the Workshop was helpful in clearing few questions related to citing resources especially with two authors. It reinforced my understanding of the topic
(Ms. Usha Kumari, IBDP & IGCSE English teacher)