What Makes Us A World-class School?
GDGWS is home to students from diverse backgrounds and locations across India and the world. Together with children from across India, itself a melting-pot of different cultures, languages, religions and beliefs, we have international students representing over thirty countries, making GDGWS a crucible for global leadership in the 21st century. By definition, a transformative experience, we at GDGWS guide and support our students to forge new identities, impacting and impacted by this experience of ‘learning from difference’ (Crucibles of Leadership – Warren Bennis and Robert J. Thomas, FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2002 ISSUE, Harvard Business Review).
NRIs and Persons of Indian origin abroad connect with the experience we offer, as children enjoy international standard of education, whiling reconnecting with the multiple cultures and values that form the backbone of Indian’s existence.
Our teachers, trained to teach the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), University of Cambridge (UK) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB), Geneva, approach each subject in the international curricula from a global perspective.
As part of the larger global community of international schools, GDGWS offers an enviable environment for global learning with the IB programme that offers 4972 programmes across 3968 schools (as on 11 December 2014) and the Cambridge IGCSE, with nearly a million Cambridge learners every year from 10,000 schools in 160 countries (http://www.cie.org.uk/about-us/who-we-are).
To succeed in a highly competitive and professional global environment, students need the kind of early international exposure and experience that we offer at GDGWS to gain a much-needed head start.
As an International School, we offer a multicultural and multilingual learning environment, with a holistic and an enriching curriculum that encourages the global understanding of concepts and theories, not just theoretically, but also through practical study that ignites the inquisitive mind.
Our curriculum is guided by the rules and regulations set by the IGCSE and IB programmes in conjunction with our own vision and mission for the GDGWS.
Our experienced faculty, specialists in their fields, mentor students and encourage them to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners. Opinion-sharing and classroom discussions are the cornerstone of the process of delivery of these competitive study programs that foster global learning standards.
The school offers a diverse and multi-cultural learning platform to stimulate open-minded thinking and boost mutual understanding amongst students.
Learning and living with students from highly diverse communities ensures students gain exposure to different points of view that they would otherwise never experience as school students. The opportunities to grow and learn are many:
This vibrant atmosphere of diversity strengthens GDGWS as a community and students as individuals who truly become educated leaders of tomorrow.