IBDP Assembly

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IBDP Assembly, Friday 20th April’18 focused on various career options. Dr Manisha Mehta, HOP-IBDP apprised the students about various career options followed by by Ms. Aruna Ahlawat’s session on how the school provides a Hands on support regarding the admissions and scope as the school offers a comprehensive set of Career Services designed to help pupils throughout their time at the school (and beyond). Pupils were assured that they will be offered individual advising, experiential programs, career workshops and special events throughout the year. Careers calendar was discussed in detail (SAT,IELTS, Guest speakers, diagnostic testing).The students were explained the importance of Counsellor’s LOR.
Ms Neha Sharma culminated the assembly with emphasis on discipline. She also discussed about IB attributes/ learner profiles and how it makes pupils exceptional.