GD Goenka World School Libraries look for an opportunity to celebrate Reading and Literature

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The World Book and Copyright day was observed by undertaking a number of activities for the Love of Reading.
An author meet with Ms. Deepa Agarwal who has written more than 50 books for children, was organized for students along with Puppet story telling for the young children. IGCSE students made a presentation on the significance of the day and created awareness amongst students explaining them why the day is celebrated all over the world as English Language Day and also Shakespeare’s birthday.

Students also witnessed interesting video of Catalina where maximum number of books and roses are sold or exchanged on this day. The Spirit of Catalina encompassed when the ‘poetry writing’ winners were gifted books with roses by the invited author, Ms. Deepa Agarwal.

World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year on 23rd April, celebrations take place all over the world to recognize the magical power of books – a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures.