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The Kindergarten children of GDGWS celebrated “Yellow Colour Day” today on Thursday, May 3rd 2018.

Looking like Sunshines dressed in Yellow, the children enjoyed a variety of games inside and outside the classroom. A Fun Filled day was celebrated with multiple activities involving the colour Yellow.

The toddlers had a “Colour Run”, where they ran to look for things or objects with yellow colour in the classroom. The children were also taken out for a nature walk, where they were required to spot everything Yellow be it; Yellow flowers, Yellow butterflies etc. They further enjoyed playing on the Yellow swings and slides.

“Colour Love” was an activity where the children watched and recited poems on the colour, Yellow.
The children were thrilled to make a craft with Lemon prints under the “Colour Craft” moment.

With “Colour Food” action, the pupils had fun making lemonade and corn salad alongside drinking and eating the same.