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“Christmas is a festival for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall,the genial flame of charity in the heart”.

On December 15, 2018, a formal Dinner was hosted for all Goenkan boarders. The event was graced by the Director-Principal, the School Administrator, the DHM and all the senior staff. The evening kicked off with Christmas Carols performed by the younger boarders. There was a scintillating performance by the band ‘Believers’. A Christmas skit was performed by the junior girls on the origin of Christianity. Next up, was the most anticipated part of the evening, the Mr. and Miss Boarding selection, which was based on the best dressed and the most eloquent speaker. Stuti Kumar was adjudged as Miss Boarding and Bhuvnesh as Mr. Boarding. At the end of the lovely evening, a sumptuous dinner was served. The event concluded with a gratifying evening of dancing with the DJ booth.