G D Goenka World School Holds Orientation Programme for new parents

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GD Goenka World School, organized an Orientation Programme   for the parents of new admissions on  July 20,2019 .An orientation program is a brilliant occasion for the parents to become familiar with the school community, its operational functioning process, communication systems and pedagogical practices.

The programme commenced with a warm welcome to the parents followed by the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. The School Director -Principal, Dr Neeta Bali, in her welcome speech, shared with the audience the achievements of students, the vision, mission and policies of the school. In her speech, she also spoke about the myriad social and cultural initiatives which were taken up by the school in the past academic year. Furthermore, she requested parents for their wholehearted support so that each student under our care could be provided Holistic education. The G D Goenka group is of the belief that the superior infrastructure & technology combined with strong human resources make a great institution. The four Heads of Programme made short but focussed presentations enumerating the benefits of various curricula taught at GDGWS.

An open question & answer session saw all questions asked by parents ably answered by the entire team. Another highlight of the orientation was the introduction of the entire faculty. Each subject department was introduced by the respective Chair of Department. The programme closed with the singing of the National Anthem.