admin News & Events

GD Goenka World School hosted the Career Fair for students of Grades XI to XII. About fourteen universities promoted their education mission at the fair. They were Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – USA, Duke University China Campus – Option available for students to transfer to Duke University Main Campus in USA after completion of Year 1 in Shanghai China, Hult International Business School – USA, Kansas State University – USA, Kings Education in association with The University of Wisconsin Madison – USA, San Francisco State University – USA, Temple University – USA, Temple University Japan Campus ,The University of Alabama – USA, The University of Illinois at Chicago – USA ,The University of Northern Iowa – USA, Westminster College – USA, Hult International Business School – UK and GD Goenka University-INDIA

The participating institutions were well-reputed internationally ranked universities offering considerable academic options, scholarships and admission information to students. The purpose of this event was to create an open direct platform between the students and the participating international universities. The Career Fair encouraged the students to gain critical knowledge on where to study, what to study and how to make it happen. Students hear directly from admissions officers and evaluate the best choice for their career path ahead. They assess what the universities had to offer by way of career choices. This enabled our students to directly engage with leading international universities.