GD Goenka World School -A Green School


We are a Green school that supports global sustainability in every way.

The three pillars of a green school are:

  • Reduced environmental impact of our actions
  • Increased health and well-being of students/ staff
  • Increased environmental and sustainability awareness for all students

GDGWS implements noteworthy initiatives in each of these areas.

Reducing environmental impact includes reducing the damage inflicted on our environment by our activities. For example, by reducing energy and water use, reducing and recycling waste we can prevent over exploitation of our resources. GDGWS has undertaken several such initiatives:

  • School wide and complete paper recycling
  • Recycling of sewage and water waste
  • Tie up with ‘Plated’ for recycling food, water, plastic and tin waste
  • Composite pit for horticulture waste
  • Installation of energy saving devices on our RITAL panels
  • Accumulation and supply of solar energy to Haryana electricity board
  • Rain water harvesting
  • Replenishment of underground water: Our replenishment efforts have improved the level of water table from 500 feet below ground level to 100 feet through the use of recycling pits
  • Farm garden: We cultivate organic vegetables in our farm garden and use them in our school kitchen

Increased health and well-being involve protecting student and teacher health and ensuring a clean and healthy indoor environment in the school, as well as providing programs and services for good nutrition and physical activity.

  • Organic food: Our students eat organically produced vegetables in our farm garden
  • Nutritionist designed meals: we provide healthy and well-balanced meals to our students and teacher and have an in house nutritionist to design the menu
  • Air quality: We monitor the air quality regularly and take steps to ensure that students enjoy their playtime in a safe and healthy environment
  • Healthy & Active lifestyle: We ensure through the mix of activities offered to students that they are involved in physically active experiences and encourage positive lifetime habits.

Increased environmental and sustainability awareness for all students involves teaching students about sustainability and the environment and equipping them with the tools they need to solve the global challenges we face now and in the future. Education at GDWS supports this type of literacy both through an International curriculum as well as through instructional practices that are interdisciplinary, place-based and rooted in the context that uniquely surrounds each student.

  • Our students are involved in all environmental conservation efforts such as water harvesting, farm garden, recycling.
  • Collaboration with other organizations: Students also collaborate with other organizations such as WASTCH academy for environmental conservation projects.
  • Our students are encouraged to be the brand ambassadors for environmental preservation and they contribute to creating awareness by spearheading projects such as tree plantation drive in school.