The Interact Club of GDGWS – Core Team 2020-21

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The Interact Club of GDGWS had an installation ceremony online on July 11, 2020. The ceremony, which was eloquently co-ordinated by the outgoing president, Yashraj Nanda, saw participation by Rotarian Dr Nischal, who has been mentoring the club for nearly three years, Director Principal, Dr Bali, DHM, Ms Shahnaz and Rotarians from the US, Chile and other parts of the world, including Governor-Rotary District 7730(USA) Rtn Nancy Barbee
Rtn Alejandra Bustos , Interact Incharge and Charter President of Rotary Satellite Club of Araucarias, Rotary International District 4340,Rtn Rosie Roppel and few others as the new core team was welcomed, with Mikul Minocha as President and Ria Arora as Vice President as well as other office-bearers.