Some more glimpses of the grand event – Scienamite 2020.

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This pandemic has reset & shaped our lives in many ways. We are learning newer and smarter ways to do things and our first venture to conduct an online social gathering/event to foster knowledge sharing & create competitive spirit was Scienamite 2020.

GDGWS conducted its first-ever remote Inter-school Science event with aplomb, aptly called Scienamite 2020 and successfully organised it on a digital platform through Google meet on August 26, 2020. It was a one-day event comprising of three competitions involving students from grades 6 to 12

The three events included were:
Event 1: Model Making: Grades 6 to 8 – Topic – Young innovator’s race to save the world (Making energy-related models with minimum carbon footprint)
Event 2: Online Quiz: Grades 9 & 10
Event 3:  Poster Presentation: Grades 11 & 12- Topic: Towards Sustainable development: Use of Solar Energy in our daily life.
The inaugural address to august gathering was given by our revered Director Principal, Dr Neeta Bali who welcomed the teams and mentioned that we have revived this event this year. Highlighting the overwhelming response received for this event, she added that twenty-seven schools comprising  400 participants from across India were in the  event. The idea for such events was to create an online community for students to create camaraderie by coming together and sharing knowledge & experiences.
To grace the occasion and honour us with their esteemed presence, were the judges for various events who were eminent personalities from the Scientific Community. The Jury for the competition comprised of Dr. Dipankar Saha, Dr Vallika Reddy, Dr Neena Jain, Dr Divya Jain, Dr Minakshi Chauhan, Mr Piyush Goyal and Mr Ravi Kochhar.
The Contemporary classical dance performance by Ms Rajsi Sharma, a student of IBDP who enthralled one and all.
The Instrumental Performance by Ms Ahra Jo, a student of grade 9, who played the school song on the piano, eased the anxiety of the participants before the event.
The participants were split into different breakout rooms. Participants in each group demonstrated immense zeal and were bubbling with energy and joy