GCEI Sessions with collaborating schools across five continents

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We, at GDGWS, are very excited to share that all the GCEI participants had met again virtually on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021. The focus of this meeting was on the participant’s research and experiences on ‘Water resources’ in their part of the world, in some cases they had met with experts, and drawn up action plans for themselves and the larger community. Some of the issues in discussion were about the challenges they are facing in their program and how they are planning to solve them.
The students shared the most thrilling part of their experiences and how are people around them like their family, friends and the community respond to their new ideas, and to their ‘action plan’.
At the end of the exchange session all the students were given the opportunity to interact separately one to one. The purpose was to make them exchange their experiences about the program in the informal setting. This helped to build the sense of global community  among the students.