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Session on

‘AT 75 INDIA – LET’S MAKE HEALTH A HABIT’ for parents and students of GD Goenka World School

To create awareness about health, nutrition, social and emotional well-being in young people ,a webinar -‘ At 75 India – Lets make Health a Habit’ was organized for parents and students of GD Goenka World School. This webinar was a platform to address student and parent queries when we have just come out of the pandemic amid uncertainty, encouraging them to field their questions to the experts from the field of psychology , nutrition and medicine. A very well attended session, it drew attention to the fact that awareness is the key to action.

Good physical and mental health allows children to think clearly, develop socially and learn new skills. Additionally, good friends and encouraging words from adults are all important for helping children develop self confidence, high self-esteem, and a healthy emotional outlook on life. Developing healthy eating habits, physical excercise and an active lifestyle in adolescence are foundations for good health in adulthood.

At 75 years of India’s independence, GDGWS intended to create an awareness about health, nutrition, social and emotional well-being in young people through a webinar called – At 75 India – Lets make Health a Habit- A platform to address student queries when we have just come out of the pandemic amid uncertainty, encouraging them to field their questions to the experts.
