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An initiative organised by our Goenkans Ritwik Kaushik, Krish Tandon, Rohan Chaudhary, Evan Kasania and Suraj Saha from IBDP. The goal of the initiative is to raise 50 kgs of rice, to then be transported to the animal shelter in Bhati village for Kalyani Animal Welfare Foundation, a non-profit organisation based near Delhi, organised and managed by Ms. Dorothy.  Rice is primarily fed to the dogs at the shelter.
Let’s give a chance for life to dozens of dogs found in that shelter, some been deserted by there owners, others abused, some rescued and others who have never had a nurturing hand over their gentle scalps. Feed4Paws is an initiative contributing to not only them but also to us and you, to serve our part in the community.
Thanks to all the people serving the initiative and thanks to our IB CAS  coordinator Jinas Sir and especially Ms. Dorothy for allowing us to support this..