Education World India School Ranking

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GDGWS is  ranked amongst the top International Day-cum-Boarding Schools in the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2022-23.

We are proud to announce that GDGWS is  ranked amongst the top International Day-cum-Boarding Schools in the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2022-23. The award is a testimony to the efforts invested by the Management, the entire academic staff and parents in nurturing excellence.

For the past 15 years, EducationWorld has been publishing the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISRA) with C fore — the well-known Delhi-based market research and opinion polls agency. They rate and rank over 4,000 of India’s most high-profile schools on 14 parameters — academic reputation, faculty competence, leadership quality, sports education, etc. EWISR 2022-23 is the world’s largest and most in-depth school ratings and rankings survey based on field interviews with more than 14,000 knowledgeable stakeholders in school education countrywide.