A session on Anti Bullying

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A session on Anti Bullying – Let’s Unite against bullying and make our school a bully free zone.

Don’t be a zero, be a hero and refrain from being a bully.

A lot of children and teenagers become a victim of bullying in daily life. Bullying affects people beyond their imagination. While some children face the situation bravely and fight back; others just crush down into solitary and introvert individuals. Bullying at school is a worldwide problem. It causes various adverse effects on the mental functioning of the child that in turn affects their lives to a large extent. Hundreds of children suffer from bullying at school every day. In this session, we saw how school bullying impacts the life of a child.

It is the duty of everyone to constantly enlighten  children about not bullying anyone . Hence, if we, as a society need to grow and develop then we have to collectively work towards discouraging the act of bullying and hence make our children feel secure.

An anti bullying session was conducted by Ms. Unnati Bavle School Counselor for students of grades 9 to 12 to make students aware of implications of bullying.