Sports Day PYP

admin News & Events

We are breathing in the 21st century. Time has changed and the world has revolutionized itself. “Survival of the fittest” is trending these days. One has to be fit both, mentally and physically to cope with the challenges of the world. Sports and games in the life of an individual plays a significant role. Keeping this in mind, the PYP segment of GDGWS held its Annual Sports Day 2023. The event was graced by our Honourable Chief Guest – Mrs. Eucharia Eze, Consulate General at The Nigerian High Commission, and Dr. Mankisha Meha – Deputy Head of School and IBDP Head who inspired the students and spoke about the importance of Sports Day. It is not only about celebrating this day, but it is about celebrating the spirit of sports and games, and how we should keep on doing efforts to inspire children to shine on the games field.

The event began with the walk-past by our little babies of Grades Nursery to 2, followed by a march past by the Upper Primary students representing their four houses namely- Cedrus, Cycas, Sorbus, and Nyssa. Students presented beautiful presentations like Pom-pom, yoga, aerobics, dumbbells, and human pyramids. The highlight of the event was the races where students participated with full zeal and conviction. Parents enthusiastically participated in the races and motivated the students with loud cheers. The entire GDGWS PYP community, PE staff, and students left no stone unturned to make this event a huge success. The event concluded with the felicitation of the winners of various races.