IT Week at GD Goenka World School

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“The pace of change brought about by new technologies has had a significant effect on the way people live, work, and play worldwide.” With this idea in mind the IT Week was scheduled from 27th Aug’12 to 31st Aug’12. The main focus of the assembly was to introduce students to the working of Information Technology in their everyday lives.


The week began with the middle school assembly on the first two days. On 27th August, 2012 students of Grade- VIII presented a PowerPoint presentation on the topic “Computer Ethics”and on 28thAugust, 2012 students of Grade-VI delivered a presentation on the topic “Internetis a Boon or a Bane”.The third day brought a lot of excitement when a workshop on Cyber Crime was taken by the HOD (IT) Ms Monica Bahl for students of middle school and IGCSE during the house meeting periods.


The students of IGCSE students made everyone aware of the way technology is being used in G.D. Goenka World School by first studying the workings of the nerve centre and its controls for a week and then presenting it in the form of an informative assembly on 30th August 2012.These days social networking has become a part of life for teenagers who sometimes don’t think what they post by sending messages to each other via various social networking sites. Based on this issue a video was shown to students called “THINK BEFORE THEY POST” during the IB assembly. This came as an eye opener to all and was appreciated too.

All the presentations and the workshop gave a food for thought for students and faculty to think, analyze and discuss the advantages of the use of technology in our everyday lives .The students were also able to understand and appreciate the fact that the use of technology brings benefits and equal responsibility for us to handle and use it for the right purposes and create value in society.