Goenkan Sparta 2009-10

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A culmination of a year long sports reached with Goenkan Sparta with finals remaining events in the school campus on 11th December 2009 followed by the prize distribution of all events. The Goenkan grounds came alive as the students cheered their friends who held high the flag of sportsmanship and competitive spirit through the various events from fun races, sprints, relay races to equestrian show where the students displayed exemplary precision and daredevil skills. The event started with a welcome speech by the Principal followed by hoisting of school flag by the Chief guest Mr. B. L. Nondo ,First Secretary Press, High Commission of Zambia.        

The first attraction of the day was the March Past by all the houses four houses Cycas, Sorbus, Nyssa & Cedrus ornately dressed in their uniforms and holding the house flags marching proudly in front of the audience. The oath was taken by sports captains Rahil Ahmed and Tajshree Singh on behalf of the entire school. The events like Aerobics, Yoga and Taekwondo display entertained the onlookers and reflected the grit and determination of the students. The program was followed by the prize distribution. The medals were given to the students for their excellent performance in various events. In the closing speech chief guest gave emphasis on living a life full of resilience. The curtain of the day was drawn with the vote of thanks by the Head boy Karan Sacheti and Head girl Aanchal gupta.