Silver Award Participant from G.D. Goenka World School shares her experiences from ‘The Clean Delhi-NCR Drive’

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During the exuberant celebrations o the Common Wealth Games, Delhi did not forget to make sure the city looked spic and span for the visitors. It used this opportunity to stir the conscience of its citizens to make them more aware of the major concern of rising air, water and noise pollution. Many school students, teachers, social workers and enthusiastic neighbors all took part in Delhi’s own “Clean Delhi-NCR Drive” Campaign. I was also given the opportunity to represent my school, G.D Goenka World School, in the drive and take the pledge of never throwing or standing the sight of any other person throwing anything on the road sides or into the precious rivers.

Schools such as St.Thomas, Delhi Public school, Modern school, Vasant Valley and Sanskriti also took part in this campaign and traveled throughout Delhi to specific locations with garbage bags in their hands and a goal in their hearts. Roads and parks in areas such as Chandini Chowk,Rohini, Sadar bazaar, Chowri bazaar and Jama Masjid were cleaned thoroughly and left shining at the end of the one week drive. Not only students but also social leaders took part in this drive to reach out to the ears of the common man and spread awareness about the harm that we are causing to our own home.