Saumya Singh – The IBDP Topper scores an astounding 44 Points!

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  Saumya Singh  
I’ve had a wonderful time doing the IGCSE and International Baccalaureate at GDGWS. As much as I’ve grown through these four years, this school has grown upon me in similar magnitude-not to mention, grown with me! It will always form a large part of my best childhood memories. Through this institution, I got to learn from the most concerned, affectionate teachers and got opportunities to act as a responsible, independent individual.

A final word for the IB- IB was a rollercoaster ride with its own ups and downs. Doing the IB launched avenues for me which I would never have considered before. Most creditably, it has widened my academic horizons and made me open-minded about a lot of things in life. I shall be attending Princeton University this fall and I am keen on pursuing either ‘Operations Research and Financial Engineering’

or ‘Economics’. An enormous thank you to my parents, sister, teachers and friends for all the support-I wouldn’t have made it this far without you!