A weekend to remember—Boarders share

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A weekend to remember, a declaration of a 3 days weekend – (August 13- 15, 2011) was what we all needed. After two whole weeks of vigorous studies the weekend came to us like paradise. Friday was filled with time for relaxation, after finishing our classes a time to sit down and clear our thoughts is what we needed. Some were excited for the auspicious ceremony the next day, which was being held in school.

Saturday came and with it came the joys of all brother and sisters, the ceremony celebrating ‘Raksha-Bandan’ was held in the school assembly hall, where all children gathered and sisters tied ‘rakhis’ and brothers gave gifts as tradition. The gathering took place in the morning and finished near afternoon. After dinner, in the assembly the HOB announced a mall trip planned for Sunday. Hearing this silence broke and students jumped in enjoyment and excitement.

Coming back from the mall trip the students where informed of some preparations being made for the Independence Day on Monday. Students gathered and rehearsed for the Independence Day celebration on Sunday evening.

Everybody got up early on Monday morning to pay their respects to the nation, students dressed in full-school uniform assembled in an orderly fashion in the central courtyard. The flag hosting was held here by Mrs. Neeta Bali, after which the students sang the National Anthem with full enthusiasm and patriotism.

The event continued in the Assembly hall, where Mr. Pal recited an emotional story, which touched our hearts. The celebration went on and the students performed various art forms, a quiz was also held in the end. Mrs. Neeta Bali was the chief guest; she spoke very enlightening words, which the students and house parents appreciated.