Hindi Week Celebrated at GDGWS

admin News & Events

Hindi Week was a great opportunity for the students of GDGWS to showcase their love and respect for a rich language like Hindi. There were a plethora of events organized by the Hindi Department. The week began with a short skit “Andher Nagri,Chaupat Raja” staged by the middle school children.

This event was followed by an inter house Hindi Quiz in which the Cedrus house was declared the winners, with Sorbus and Nyssa securing the second and the third position respectively. The week culminated with a skit “Dhol ka pole” by the senior students which was produced by the Hindi HOD, Ms Sujata Panth and directed by Mr. Arun Singh. Mrs Neeta Bali, the school principal praised the efforts put in by the Hindi Department and motivated the students to take pride in their language and culture.