GDGWS and Photography at Panasonic

admin News & Events

Panasonic India organised a photography workshop for students of GDGWS on 24th November, 2011 at their experience centre in Sohna. A professional photographer addressed our students about technical details of photography, varieties of cameras and ins and outs of a good photograph. He discussed things like a point of interest, depth in a photograph, role of shutter speed in a camera and many more things.

The students also got a chance to see some amazing photographs from world famous photgraphers. Our students were proactive and were able to answer a lot of questions thrown at them by the workshop leader. . The visit also included a small 3D Avatar movie session, playtime with X Box 360, pool table and much more. The hospitality of the staff at the centre was commendable. At the end of the session all the participants were given canvas goody bags that had track suits and certificates. The visit was a wholesome experience which made us realise that photography is much deeper than just clicking random photos. It is capturing the essence and soul of the moment.