CAS Trip 2011: Reflection

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Students at GDWGS, have always learnt that education is not just about getting good grades, but also about striking a balance with co-curricular and taking interest in our holistic development.

From 10th to 11th December 2011, 81 IB senior students, along with 8 accompanying teachers went for the overnight CAS Trip to Camp Wild, Dhauj. Between ascending unfamiliar rocky terrains, rappelling down a 50 meters cliff, river crossing, Zorbing down a hill, and dancing away on the DJ night, was a healthy balance to their academic lives. The students stepped out of their comfort zones, overcame their fears, and involved themselves in activities which their otherwise hectic work schedules do not allow.

Including activities such as trekking, planting saplings, and various team building exercises, the CAS trip proved to be not only a successful adventure, but also a perfect amalgamation of all the CAS components! It would be wrong to call the CAS Trip anything less than an enormous success. The class of 2012, will always remember the CAS trip as one of the fondest memories of IB!