Janamashtmi Celebrations at GDGWS

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The Goenkan students celebrated Janmashtmi on 9thAugust, 2012 with great enthusiasm and vigor. The special assembly was conducted to mark the occasion. It started with an informative presentation about how Janamashtmi is celebrated all over the country . This was accompanied by ananimated movie which explained the story behind the celebration of this festival.

The festivities continued as the students swayed to the serene tune of a bhajan , accompanied by the rhythmic melodies of the tabla and harmonium.

After the wonderful dance performance by the PYP girls , who were dressed in traditional indian attire,  the Principal, Mrs Neeta Bali addressed the students. She talked about the importance of the festival and the lessons that one can learn from it.

With this , the entertaining and informative celebration of Janmashtmi came to a close.