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On Sunday, 9th September,2012, the young interactors of G.D. Goenka World School and our teacher mentor put forward our helping hands to eradicate the crippling disease polio from India and participated in the “Polio Ravivaar”. India has already achieved 99% eradication and to abolish the few pockets of Polio, which are left behind GDGWS interactors along with the Rotary club of South city, Sohna put together a stall in the South city market and provided poor kids with polio drops to initiate in the POLIO FREE INDIA Campaign.

The students who participated were Sana Khanijo, Zuber Singh, Sakshi Bhargava, Aditya Khanna, Priyamvada Mehran and teacher Mentor: Ms. Sona Bindra.