GD Goenka World School, Sohna, shows creative prowess at exhibition

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GD Goenka World School, Sohna or-ganised the student ac-tivity programme exhi. bitten ‘SAP Day.2012’, an initiative of school prin. cipa/ Neeta Bali on Octo-ber IB.The SAP members of various clubs under the SAP pro-gramme exhibited their projects in the school hall. Nimble feet, the dance club, performed a Kathak and ‘Mellifluous melodies’, the music group, presented a self composed song. Eco warriors, the en-vironmental group, showed how to save water and use substitutes for plastic. Shadows, the drama group, performed a Hindi lingual theatre performance show-casing immense talent and interest. The IT SAP club made a few short movies highlighting the cause of pollution. The art club, ‘The creative hands’ portrayed their artistic talent by creating a display of popsicle art. The literary club made a presentation on the different world renowned authors acquainting. The event was witnessed by senior management lean, st.tff awl students.

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