PYP investiture ceremony

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PYP investiture ceremony was held on 22nd November 2012, wherein the student council members were awarded with their badges.

The ceremony began with the ‘lamp lighting’ by our school principal, Ms. Neeta Bali; Vice Principal, Ms.Neeru Sharma and PYP Coordinator, Ms. Pretty Khosla. Lamp lighting was followed by invocation to the almighty, a prayer and an inspirational song by the PYP choir. Following this, the student council walked in confidently, holding lights, symbolic of their empowerment and pride. The badges were given by the principal ma’am, vice principal ma’am and PYP coordinator; Followed by oath taking. The Head Girl, Kritikayadav and The Head Boy, Yashraj Nanda gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the entire student council. It was a momentous and proud occasion for all present.