Formal Dinner for Boarders at GDGWS

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The traditional formal Christmas dinner for boarders took place on the December 17, 2012. It was a grand evening laced with Christmas lights and bells and elegant attire.

It began with the house parents performing Christmas carols and the rest joining in. As usual, the 11th graders prepared a special and unforgettable presentation for the outgoing batch, the 12th graders. Following the lavish dinner, which met up to everyone’s expectations and tastes, was the ongoing photography session that carried on till the rest of the night. As the music grew louder, the ecstasy in the hall increased and brought everyone to the dance floor. The blend music induced a sense of unification amongst the members of the boarding. The memories of the night will be immortal for the class of 2013 and ever inspiring. The night provided an exhilarating experience.