IGCSE Orientation-2013

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On  February 16 , 2013 ,  an IGCSE orientation was conducted  at GDGWS.37 parents attended this orientation and following were the highlights of the orientation: Each parent was given a subject choice form. A  short movie  was played ,  which was approximately of 7 to 10   minute duration  in which grade IX and X students shared their learning experiences in IGCSE. The beauty of this movie is that  we have tried to interview all students with different Nationalities . This was a great learning experience for our IGCSE students. A Power Point presentation presented by  the IGCSE coordinator covered the following points:

  • Pre IGCSE course
  • Benefits of IGCSE
  • Subject options in our school including Computer Studies as a new subject.
  • Assessments
  • Grades and Term Reports
  • Student activity programme (SAP)
  • IGCSE workshops attended by teachers in the last academic year.
  • Last four years IGCSE Board Resuts.
  • Cambridge Learners Award winners: Rajit Kinra (2010),Arshia Wadwa(2011), and Yashwardhan Surekha (2012)
  • Chairman’s Award winner.
  • Useful links for parents and students followed by a question answer session.