IIT Visit By Students Of G.D.Goenka World School

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The is about our visit to the Indian Institute of technology, New Delhi. We 8 ESS students accompanied by our 2 teachers, Ms Madhumati and Ms Devlina paid a visit to the IIT on 26th August. 

After reaching the campus, we all gathered outside the security office near the main building. All of us were excited and curious to know who all we will meet and what we will learn. Madhumati maam led us to the lab of Centre for Atmospheric Sciences where we met Prof. Manju Mohan and PhD scholar Medhavi Gupta. We saw a presentation concerning pollution levels, which explained us the different pollutants affecting various places. We examined the instruments, monitors and charts in the room.

We were shown instruments which monitor the level on various gases in the atmosphere of the particular area. Government has set some pollution permits on industries and firms so that they don’t reach the pollution limit. However, as told by Prof. Manju Mohan the carbon monoxide concentration limit was more than the limit assigned by the government. The fact forced me to ask the question that why is it more than the limit and who is responsible for it and she said that the corruption in India is as such that the communication between different functional areas is ineffective and usually gets distorted due to some reasons. Now we couldn’t do much about it so we moved on,  they also showed us an anemometer which displayed the speed of the wind and at the moment it was 1.08 kmph.

We were shown instruments which monitor the level on various gases in the atmosphere of the particular area. Government has set some pollution permits on industries and firms so that they don’t reach the pollution limit. However, as told by Prof. Manju Mohan the carbon monoxide concentration limit was more than the limit assigned by the government. The fact forced me to ask the question that why is it more than the limit and who is responsible for it and she said that the corruption in India is as such that the communication between different functional areas is ineffective and usually gets distorted due to some reasons. Now we couldn’t do much about it so we moved on,  they also showed us an anemometer which displayed the speed of the wind and at the moment it was 1.08 kmph.

We also came to know that the concentration of ozone increases in the  morning due to ultraviolet rays of sunlight and decreases at the night. After a good conversation with both the speakers, we clicked a group photograph and thanked them. We then moved on to  the next lab. On the way we were received with lot of warmth and enthusiasm by Prof Ashok Bhaskarwar, former Head of Department of Chemical Engineering. While proceeding towards the lab, we had a brief introduction with him and after reaching the lab, we met his research team. There were around 8-10 of highly motivated students of IIT who were doing their PhD courses. We collectively introduced ourselves to them and after that we individually met each one of them and they gave a brief biography of themselves. All of them were working on different projects, Mrs. Garima was creating a 3rd generation solar cell which is 30% cheaper than the ones available right now. However, this solar cell would not be as effective as the 2nd generation one but at least it would be affordable and the cost of solar cells is the main problem why India isn’t adopting this alternative energy source.

We also came to know that the concentration of ozone increases in the  morning due to ultraviolet rays of sunlight and decreases at the night. After a good conversation with both the speakers, we clicked a group photograph and thanked them. We then moved on to  the next lab. On the way we were received with lot of warmth and enthusiasm by Prof Ashok Bhaskarwar, former Head of Department of Chemical Engineering. While proceeding towards the lab, we had a brief introduction with him and after reaching the lab, we met his research team. There were around 8-10 of highly motivated students of IIT who were doing their PhD courses. We collectively introduced ourselves to them and after that we individually met each one of them and they gave a brief biography of themselves. All of them were working on different projects, Mrs. Garima was creating a 3rd generation solar cell which is 30% cheaper than the ones available right now. However, this solar cell would not be as effective as the 2nd generation one but at least it would be affordable and the cost of solar cells is the main problem why India isn’t adopting this alternative energy source.