World Holocaust Remembrance Day

admin News & Events


January 27th, 2014

World Holocaust victim’s Remembrance Day is observed on January 27th all over the world. Ceremonies were being held on Monday in Germany and Poland in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust where a Russian author Daniil Granin, 95, who was transported to Auschwitz in 1944 after surviving the Nazi siege of what was then Leningrad, was the keynote speaker in the Bundestag.
Survivors laid flowers at Auschwitz’s death wall, where thousands of inmates were shot.

"It is an occasion to remind us all of the need to continue fighting prejudice and racism in our own time." said EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton.

Students of G.D. Goenka world School also paid homage to the victims and marked the day by presenting facts and pictures of the darkest period of European History to Middle School students in the assembly. The presentation was heart rendering to any human soul and the students who also study world history will present more events in the coming up assemblies.