Boarders’ trip to Red Fort

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A Report BySUMAIRA REHMAN( grade 9 – RB)

19 girls of  grade 9 , along with the house -parent , Ms Sabrina Chater  visited he beautiful monument , Red Fort, which was built by Shahjahan.

We woke up early in the morning at 6:15 a.m. We had our breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Our theme was to wear something black (BLACK SHIRT). We started our journey at 8:30 a.m. There were around 5 people for our security. We had fun on our way to the Monument. We reached there around 10:30 a.m. We got out of our bus and continued our walk towards it. When we entered inside we saw small shops in the corner selling different and variety of beautiful traditional things. We continued on and saw DIWAN- I-AAM, DIWAN-I-KHAAS, etc. We entered a museum, where we saw some old things which were used by the king like THE HOLY QURAN, THE MANUSCRIPTS, THE CHINESE PLATE, THE CHINESE WATCH, RIFLES, SWORDS, etc. Then we roamed a bit and headed back to our bus. When we came back to our bus we had our lunch. Lastly, on our way back to school, our houseparent allowed us to buy pizza from dominos. We stopped at central plaza, sector 32 to get pizza. After having it we finally reached back at around 4:00 p.m. Our official photographer was Vivienne Naga. We had an awesome day. 1. March. 2014 is a day to remember.