GDGWS Participation at ‘GDGIMUN 2014’ organized by the G.D.Goenka Public School VasantKunj, 2nd-4th May 2014

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‘GDGI MUN’ had organized  the second session of Goenka International MUN’14 on the 2nd of May with the most accomplished Executive board. The three day conference was an educating, stimulating and enriching experience for the students.Six students of Pre IG participated in the conference.

At the GDGI inter-MUN conference there were many delegates from different schools, including delegates from Indonesia.

The debate, though slow on the first day, picked up later on. On the second day, blocs were formed, working papers discussed, and  many chits exchanged during the unmods. The three days of MUN gave our students an overview of the advantages of being an MUNite . The skills included participatory skills, global perspectives, debating skills, presentation skills, knowledge and understanding of current affairs, etc. Delegates learnt how to  make resolutions and amendments to articles that were of advantage to their country at the same time for the welfare of the nation as a whole. Apart from serious moments, there were a lot of fun-filled moments too.

The third day saw  our representatives tying up all the loose ends in our draft resolutions and furiously trying to get as many countries and possible to support our solutions.

At the end of committee on the third day, the students were taken to Manekshaw Centre for the Closing Ceremony, where they were enthralled by the host school’s music and dance performances.

Once the recitals were over, they listened to speeches by the two chief guests of the occasion, Sir Deepak Bohra, who has represented India in various international forums including several sessions of the United Nations, and Major General G D Bakshi, who fought for India during the Kargil war and is currently the official spokesperson of the Indian Army. They talked about the world as it manifests itself today and encouraged students to continue with their MUNing endeavours.  After the speeches, the prizes were given out.

All in all, it was a good experience due to the exposure the students gained, the people they met, and the different types of debating techniques they learnt.