G D Goenka World School hosts The Goenkan Trident – 2014

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Sports provides many valuable learning experiences, but for most  of the students enjoyment was  the most important outcome. G.D. Goenka  World School was proud to host  an inter-school sports event for IB Schools  from 24th to 27th September, 2014.
The opening ceremony was graced by the Chief Guest  Mrs Rajshri Singh,IPS,Head of State Crime Branch,Gurgaon  and the Guests of Honour were Mr and Mrs   Serhii Bilohub ,Counsellor (political, Embassy  of Ukraine in the Republic of India.) The students put up a spectacular cultural show  which enthralled the audience.Participating Schools included Ullens School from Nepal, Cathedral Vidya from Pune , Patways Schools , Aravalli, NOIDA and Baliwas .The major sports covered in this event  were Basketball ,Soccer, and Aquatics. Various  events took place under these three  categories amidst great cheer and enthusiasm.

The invited schools  were provided with a comfortable stay in the G.D. Goenka boarding where  in the evenings  students were regaled with  fun filled activities and entertaining performances. This provided a priceless opportunity to interact and make new friends. It also  eased off the competitive  tension and  cemented the bonds of camaraderie and team spirit. The function came to an end on a regal note with a cultural programme and the prize distribution by the Principal,Dr Neeta Bali.