Scotland School connects with G.D.Goenka world School

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G.D.Goenka World School welcomed teachers of Oban High School, Scotland.  Ms Briana Bruier and Ms Amy Russell who visited the school for the second time on a professional learning exchange program of British council. The whole school community worked towards the project ‘Travel Diaries’ of India and Scotland. The ambit of the project theme was vast and included all possible facets of India such as tourism / historical monuments/ dance forms of different states of India/ traditional costumes/festivals/food and much more. There were assembly presentations which included dances, singing, music and particularly belle dance ‘The Rama’ was mesmerizing to the visitors. They also taught ‘Shakespeare and ‘Keats’ to the senior school students and this exchange will prove to bring benevolent results in teaching and learning.

They travelled to Agra to see Taj-mahal and other historical buildings of Mughal period of Indian History in Delhi. They were amazed to see magnificent structures constructed during great Mughal period. They also visited Qutub Minar and iconic structure like Bahai and ISCON temples. The objective of this exchange is to bring up our students as global citizens and sensitize them on global issues.