admin News & Events

The trip started with travelling through the dark early morning scene on 19th November 2015. The spirit of joy between us could be felt as we all collected at the school’s reception to board into our buses. All of us saving our energy slept off within no time after the journey began. As the journey was already long enough, on half way through we stopped to fill our tummies. And back to our buses. We still had to cover almost everything that we had covered by now. Music, food and travelling with the most amazing people, nothing could be perfect enough.

Day 1

After travelling through the mountains and the seeing the mesmerizing beauty of nature we reached camp panther by noon of 19th. We entered through the camp and saw the Ghazibo, a term given to the meeting hall by the natives and thus we were allotted with our tents. We were supposed to be divided into teams, I was a part of Team A so our trip started with the most exciting activity ZIP LINING. As we climbed up to the top of the building to reach the set up I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. As we had to cross a beautiful river twice through zip lining heartbeat reached to its highest level and didn’t come back till we reached the top of the building again. We got undressed and went back to our camp where we relaxed and spent quality time with our people. We were happy that we were still alive after flying into the air and crossing the river like a superhero. Dinner time! the most amazing food, probably because we were hungry but the food actually never tasted so good. Lights out!

Day 2

Wake up! Someone shouted from outside the tent. All of us woke up with curiosity, what are we going to see today? Thus after breakfast we found out that we are going for a village hike. Villages on the mountains with their own vegetation, its rare to see something like this. We learnt a lot about the vegetation and natural herbs that grow there. Also we came across the river part which appeared to be a beach with white sand. That was a scene which left us speechless. We never knew that India has such pretty places. Climbing and walking down mountains we reached back to our camp. Fueled ourselves and got going with our laughs and talks. Honestly this was the time where the teachers were actually enjoying and spending time with us outside our classrooms where we got to know the other side of school better. Dinner and Lights out!

Day 3

Someone shouted again with that joyful and happy voice. Breakfast was waiting for us downhill and thus our activities too. Our team now had to do the in house activities, artificial wall climbing and the spider net. Both the activities needed team support and guidance and thus was a great practice for the whole team to actually work like a team.

Day 4

Another camp was waiting for us in between the jungle covered with wildlife. We got our lunch there and were taken to an orphanage where we met kids from the corners of the world. While going to the orphanage we also accidently met some monkeys and got out food stolen. That was hilarious. After a walk of few minutes we reached the orphanage where we interacted with the children for a while and made a new connection by exploring the amazing talents inside them. Some of them really gave us goose bumps. We returned back to the camp and played outdoor games for a while. We had to travel again to another camp which was at the river side and thus after travelling for a few hours again we reached at our final destination but WAIT! Where was the camp actually? We started following the teachers and we found out that the camp was actually about 10Kms downhill. Wow after the struggle for about half an hour we see a beautiful camping place where our tents were next to the river in the open space covered with the Himalayas. We had our snacks and visit to the river also. Boys had to pitch their own tents and sleep in their sleeping bags. As the dark was covering our heads with dropping temperature we got a bone fire where all of us actually sat for hours and just talked and played. At midnight we were sent to out tents to grab some sleep as we had to leave early morning next day.

Day 5

Wake up call and the breakfast was waiting for us with the bone fire. Freezing cold wind which could freeze the bones didn’t work on us as we were a cluster not a single person was away alone from the bone fire. As the sunlight hit the sky we got a picture clicked with every single person in it and then we proceeded towards GD GOENKA! Our final destination!