IGCSE Orientation

admin News & Events

The main event of orientation was held on Feb 16, 2016 where parents were given detailed information on IGCSE and past experience of students was shared with them through presentations and a short movie. It was conducted by the Head of the IGCSE Programme Ms.Shahnaz Banoo Butt. The highlights of the event were:

  • Short Movie on the experience of IGCSE students
  • Pre IGCSE Course;
  • Benefits of IGCSE;
  • Subject Options;
  • Assessments;
  • Grades and term reports;
  • Student activity programme;
  • IGCSE workshops attended by teachers in year 2012;
  • Last four years IGCSE Board results;
  • Cambridge Learners Award Winners;
  • Chairman’s Award Winner;
  • Useful links for parents and students; and
  • Question Answers Session.

A highly  positive response was received from the parents and they were all fully satisfied with the event which guided them and their kids to select the best of the courses.