English Debate Competition

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On April 28th, for the first time, the debate team of GDGWS took part in the Goenkan Grandeur 2016. Abhinav Sharma, Shivani Bansal and Raaghav Goel participated in the English Debate Competition. The topic for this debate was “India is an Economic superpower – Reality or Myth.” It was an enriching and learning experience for the young debaters as they interacted with the judges and listened to the arguments put forth by the other participants. The team stood third out of thirteen of the best debate teams in the city. A special commendation to Shivani Bansal, who’s powerful and intellectual questions bagged the Best Interjector prize. The team members felt ecstatic after their first win and all their hard work paid off. The school’s Debate Team was also invited to participate in Intellebate, the selection for Team India for the World Debate Championship.