IGCSE Water Polo competition – Boarders verses Day Scholars

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All the players were geared up for an exciting Water polo match which was whistled off by the IGCSE Head of Programme Mrs Shahnaz Banoo Butt. The two teams, boarders and the day- boarders of Grade 9 and 10 competed with each other during the sports hour on Thursday last.

The boarders secured a considerable victory by scoring 8 goals to 3. Bhuvnesh led the boarders team and the day scholars were led by Darsh Jain.

Bhuvnesh played a true captains game by scoring 3 goals followed by 3 goals pitched in by Chirag , 1 by Taksh and 1 by Shaurya. Amongst the day boarders, Haruka and Byun Jae scored 2 and 1 goal respectively.