Aditya Mathur, Grade 12th student of GD Goenka World School, has written a book “Mercy of Gods and Men”

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“Writing is not just my passion, it’s my point of existence.” -Aditya Mathur, author of Mercy -Of Gods and Men

I’ve been writing since I was five. My grandfather used to tell me historical stories and they’ve been my major source of inspiration. I also used to make comic caricatures. I was 12 years of age when I wrote my first novel, Dragon Rider. I wrote a couple of short stories after that. I’ve written some more novels also, but was never confident enough to get them published. When I first asked a friend of mine to read Dragon Rider, he didn’t really like it. I didn’t let myself get disheartened; it inspired me to be better and helped me explore my abilities even more. One never really stops growing as a writer. With every book you write, you learn more about your capabilities. I’ve my own style of writing and I can’t really compare it with anyone else’s; but I do take inspiration from Iggulden. Mercy -Of Gods and Men, is the first one I’m confident enough to get published. I’m confident because when I’ve read my previous books, I realized that I’ve come a long way and I actually thought to myself “Is that me? Did I really write these?” The other books were simplistic but Mercy has depth. If it’s appreciated enough to be filmed, I’d like it to be a TV series as it has enough events required to make a TV series. I put a little bit of myself in all the characters of my stories, but my favorite one in Mercy is William, who is also the main protagonist. It’s going to be a trilogy. I’m currently working on the second one, which will be called Wrath of Gods and Men. There’s also a subtle element of romance in the story. It’s not majorly important to the story, but important to the evolution of the characters.

I’m planning to pursue film making as my career option, as it’s something that really interests me. It’s something that has a lot of scope and I think that I’ll be able to add an edge pertaining to my own style to it. I won’t stop writing as I can’t think of giving up my means of survival. A writer always has to be ready for failure, criticism and a backup option is always necessary. Failure and criticism shouldn’t make you give up on your passion. I’m hoping to get 300 pre orders online, as that’s the minimum number of orders the publishers require before they agree to edit and publish my book. I’m confident that it’ll work out.”—Of-Gods-and-Men

Book Cover



The book explores the lives of three characters William, Rigolous and Oskar, each with their own battles to fight. As the world comes crashing down around William when his village is burnt by the prince of the kingdom, he must gather himself to oppose the tyranny of the King. William will have to stand strong in order to avenge all the wrongs that the king and his family have done. Rigolous, on the other hand, has been forced to be crowned the king of his kingdom at the tender age of fourteen. He has also been married to a woman ten years older to him according to the wishes of his dying father. The power in his kingdom truly belongs to the council. As the power of the crown diminishes, he must, along with his wife, struggle to regain control over his kingdom. Oskar is the prince to the kingdom in the north. Having a frail body in a country where strength is everything, Oskar must find a place in this military intensive kingdom and prove his worth to his father with his wits and conviction