Talent Show

admin News & Events

“It’s not the winning, but the participation, not the triumph, but the struggle…”

Performing in a Talent show requires a lot of time and dedication. The feeling of self-fulfillment one gets afterwards is something everyone should have a chance to experience. Talent shows also provide a great opportunity to overcome shyness. It’s crazy what simply dancing, singing, playing an instrument, etc. on stage can do for you!

Keeping this in mind a Talent Show was organized for Boarders on Sunday 28th August. The event began with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp. The students presented mesmerizing performances which left the audience enthralled. The Assembly Hall resonated with the euphonious songs sung by the students. The variety of talents exhibited was a pleasant surprise as was the whole hearted participation of the Boarders. Gift hampers were awarded to the beaming winners at the end of the two hour show.