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“Together may we give our children the roots to grow and wings to fly”,
‘Coffee Morning with the Parents’ of Nursery to Grade 2 on Saturday, August 20, 2016 proved to be an extremely productive event to build the community feeling equally,among the parents and teachers.It was a beautiful way to have teacher-parent connection in an informal setting.
The parents were contented and exulted to have a heart to heart interactive sessions with the form tutors followed by impeccable performances by the little goenkans of the lower primary. The applaud during the cultural presentations was a testimony to the fact that the hard work put in by the children to make the event extraordinary was completely acknowledged by one and all. The workshop on ‘Good parenting skills’ further added stature to the show.The feedback remarks on the Graffiti wall and the address by the Head of Junior and Middle School, Ms. Pretty Khosla, at the end of the show, summed up the entire event to be a great success.