Calendared Math Activity For Pupils Of Grade 7

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Exploring 2D shapes –Grade 7 – Math Calendared Activity -4.10.16

All the students of Grade 7 participated in the workshop named “Exploring 2D shapes using Origami” held on the 4th of October, 2016 in the Assembly Hall.

Students discovered on their own through the paper cutting, folding and pasting, the two properties of triangles:

  • Sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is 180⁰.
  • Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of interior opposite angles.

While doing this activity, children revised the properties of 2D shapes, names of different quadrilaterals; their properties etc. The lines of symmetry and order of rotational symmetry of some 2D shapes were also discussed. Pupils loved doing these activities and took keena interest in completing the tasks given to their group. Overall, it was a good learning experience for pupils and for sure they were benefitted by it.